• (02) 9634 2487
  • Thank you!

    Thank you!

    We have to say your ongoing support to our new service of takeaway food and home delivery has been overwhelming.

    Thank you for your support in keeping Il Lago alive through theses uncertain times. Our normal way of doing business has changed from serving you food and wine at our tables, a little chit chat here and there and sharing a laugh or two.

    We have to say your ongoing support to our new service of takeaway food and home delivery has been overwhelming.

    For this, we have to say a huge THANK YOU to each and everyone of you who has ordered from us, shared our posts, commented, told neighbours and friends.

    Thank you!!!!! 

    Gb, Dana, Steven and the Illago Family

    “Had a small birthday lunch gathering. Food was great. Atmosphere was very comfortable great time had by all. Excellent service too ”

    Vaughan Mackay